Urban Structure in Hot Arid Environments
Mahmud Tavassuli
Not Available
The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies
Dorina Pojani and 1 more
Urban Sustainability Through Smart Growth
Yonn Dierwechter
Quality of Life in Urban Landscapes
Roberta Cocci Grifoni and 2 more
Urban Environmental Governance in India
KV Raju and 4 more
Urban Public Housing in Northern Nigeria
Abubakar Danladi Isah
Integrated Productivity in Urban Africa
Donald Okeke
Urban Planning Education
Andrea I Frank and 1 more
Landscape Planning at the Local Level
Luigi La Riccia
Urban Disaster Resilience and Security
Alexander Fekete and 1 more
Mahmoud Tavassoli
A Century of Change
Yi Wang
Livelihood and Wellbeing in the Urban Fringe
Nasrin Banu and 1 more
Urban Centres in Asia and Latin America
Simone Sandholz
Local Government and Urban Governance in Europe
Carlos Nunes Silva and 1 more
Sustainable City Management
Christian Obermayr
Revitalizing City Districts
Hebatalla Abouelfadl and 2 more
Sustainable Smart Cities in India
Poonam Sharma and 1 more
Urban Development in Asia and Africa
Yuji Murayama and 3 more
Transdisciplinary Urbanism and Culture
Quazi Mahtab Zaman and 1 more
Low-Carbon Smart Cities
KwiGon Kim
Climate Change in Cities
Sara Hughes and 2 more
Small Town Tourism in South Africa
Ronnie Donaldson
Urban Culture in Tehran
Seyed Hossein Iradj Moeini and 3 more
Cityscape in the Era of Information and Communication Technologies
Agata Bonenberg
Essential Methods for Planning Practitioners
Laxmi Ramasubramanian and 1 more
J.W.R. Whitehand and the Historico-Geographical Approach to Urban Morphology
Vítor Oliveira
Segregation by Design
Catalina Freixas and 1 more
Urban Public Spaces
Lucia Capanema Alvares and 1 more
Neo-Liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Professional Era
Hossein Sadri
Housing Estates in Europe
Daniel Baldwin Hess and 2 more
The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems
Matthias Finger and 1 more
European Territorial Cooperation
Eduardo Medeiros
Emerging Urban Spaces
Philipp Horn and 2 more
Urban Renewal, Community and Participation
Julie Clark and 1 more
Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future
Simon Elias Bibri
Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia
Amrita G Daniere and 1 more
Urban and Regional Planning in Turkey
Ö Burcu Özdemir Sari and 2 more
Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities
Filiz Yenisehirlioglu and 2 more
Teaching Urban Morphology
Territorial Cohesion
Landscape Paradigms and Post-Urban Spaces
Roberto Pasini
Cultural Urban Heritage
Mladen Obad Scitaroci and 2 more
Public Art and Urban Memorials in Berlin
Biljana Arandelovic
Making Cities Resilient
Vishwa Raj Sharma and 1 more
Shrinking Cities in China
Ying Long and 1 more
Organising Post-Disaster Reconstruction Processes
Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian
Heterotopia and Heritage Preservation
Smaranda Spanu
Urban Studies and Entrepreneurship
Muhammad Naveed Iftikhar and 2 more
Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Iran
M Reza Shirazi
Municipal Incorporation Activity in the United States
Russell M Smith
Urban Heritage Management
Anna Maria Colavitti
Micro-Residential Dynamics
Shlomit Flint Ashery
Warsaw Housing Cooperative
Magdalena MatysekImielinska
Housing Estates in the Baltic Countries
Daniel Baldwin Hess and 1 more
Participatory Research and Planning in Practice
Janez Nared and 1 more
Urban Heritage Along the Silk Roads
Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian and 1 more
Functional Urban Areas in Poland
Slawomir Kurek and 2 more
Spatial Behavior in Haredi Jewish Communities in Great Britain
Foregrounding Urban Agendas
Simonetta Armondi and 1 more
Inventing Berlin
Mary DellenbaughLosse
High-Rise Urban Form and Microclimate
Feng Yang and 1 more
Biljana Arandelovic and 1 more
Gastronomy and Urban Space
Andrzej Kowalczyk and 1 more
The Life and Afterlife of Gay Neighborhoods
Alex Bitterman and 1 more
Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality
Maarten van Ham and 3 more
Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration
Nicholas Wise and 1 more
Resilient Urban Futures
Zoé A Hamstead and 5 more
Planning for Sustainable Urban Transport in Southeast Asia
Dorina Pojani
Urban Geography in Postcolonial Zimbabwe
Abraham R Matamanda and 2 more
Tall Buildings and the City
Kheir AlKodmany
Urban Informatics and Future Cities
S C M Geertman and 3 more
Mobilities in India
Bhaswati Mondal and 1 more
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Cities
Cathy Yang Liu
Current Challenges in Architecture and Urbanism in Albania
Anna Yunitsyna and 5 more
The Rural-Urban Interface
Ellen Hoffmann and 5 more
Neighbourhoods in Transition
Emmanuel Rey and 2 more
Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China
Gwilym Pryce and 4 more
In Stock
£31.49 £34.99
COVID-19 and Cities
Miguel A Montoya and 3 more
Urban Morphology
Vítor Manuel Araújo de Oliveira
Spatial Conflicts and Divisions in Post-Socialist Cities
Valentin Mihaylov
Transforming Cities Through Temporary Urbanism
Lauren Andres and 1 more
Urban Informatics
Wenzhong Shi and 4 more
Spatial Tensions in Urban Design
Ianira Vassallo and 3 more
Morphological Research in Planning, Urban Design and Architecture
Wiring the Streets, Surfing the Square
Timothy Jachna
Persian Paradises at Peril
Farzin Fardanesh and 1 more
Slum Development in India
Sulochana Shekhar
Urban Challenges in the Globalizing Middle-East
Simona Azzali and 2 more
The Asian Megacity Region
Debnath Mookherjee
The Dialectics of Urban and Architectural Boundaries in the Middle East and the Mediterranean
Suzan Girginkaya Akdag and 4 more
Governance of Climate Responsive Cities
Ender Peker and 1 more
Geospatial Technology and Smart Cities
Poonam Sharma
Design of the Unfinished
Luciano Crespi
Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference and 1 more
The Urban Transformation of Sarajevo
Jordi MartínDíaz
Planning Cities in Africa
Genet Alem Gebregiorgis and 3 more
Anna Yunitsyna
Understanding Emergent Urbanism
Sotir Dhamo
Historic Cities in the Face of Disasters
Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian and 3 more
Ellen Hoffmann
Urban Inclusivity in Southern Africa
Hangwelani H MagidimishaChipungu and 1 more
Urban Resilience to the Climate Emergency
Isabel RuizMallén
African Cities Through Local Eyes
Giuseppe Faldi and 2 more
Urban Living Lab for Local Regeneration
Nele Aernouts and 2 more
Planning Climate Smart and Wise Cities
KwiGon Kim and 1 more
Miguel A Montoya
Redeveloping Tehran
Kiavash Soltani
Fernando Carrión and 1 more
Informed Urban Environments
Ata Chokhachian and 2 more
Green Infrastructure
Benedetta Giudice and 2 more
Fundamentals of Innovative Sustainable Homes Design and Construction
Avi Friedman
Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition
Eugenio Arbizzani and 7 more
Resilient Smart Cities
Ayyoob Sharifi and 1 more
Adaptive Urban Transformation
Steffen Nijhuis and 2 more
Post Un-Lock
Grazia Brunetta and 2 more
The 'New Normal' in Planning, Governance and Participation
Enza Lissandrello and 3 more
Gentrification and Diversity
Lidia K C Manzo
Critical Planning and Design
Camilla Perrone
Spatial Justice and Planning
Shaoxu Wang and 1 more
The Elemental Metropolis
Qinyi Zhang
Urban Dynamics in the Post-Pandemic Period
E NavarroJurado and 3 more
Fourth Places
Patricia Aelbrecht
Urban Policy in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda
María Ángeles Huete García and 3 more
The Topology of Planning Theories
Meike LevinKeitel and 1 more
Urban Development and the Panama Canal Zone
Graciela Arosemena Díaz and 2 more
Urban Design in Seismic-Prone Regions
Husayn Bahrayni and 1 more
Urban Crime Prevention
Miguel Saraiva
Transport and Mobility Futures in Urban Africa
Ransford A Acheampong and 3 more
Mega Urban Projects in China
Yanpeng Jiang
Cycling Through the Pandemic
Nathalie Ortar and 1 more
Urban Infrastructure in Zimbabwe
Innocent Chirisa and 1 more
At the Frontiers of Everyday Life
Hande Gülen and 2 more
Restructuring Cultural Landscapes in Metropolitan Areas
Yuting Xie
Geometries of Anamorphic Illusions
Alessandra Pagliano
Conserving and Managing Historical Urban Landscape
Xiaoxi Li and 1 more
Ecovillages and Ecocities
Klodjan Xhexhi
Modeling the Underground Infrastructure of Urban Environments
N D Pankratova and 2 more
Urban Private Housing in Nigeria
Ibrahim Rotimi Aliu
Border Urbanism
Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion
Fernando Carrión Mena and 1 more
COVID-19 (Forced) Innovations
Edmond Manahasa and 2 more
The US Housing Crisis
Judith Keller
Geodesigning Our Future
Morphological Regionalization
Muzaffer Ali Arat
Intelligence for Future Cities
International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management and 1 more